Top Distilleries,Whiskey and Alcohol Company in India

‘Chal Daaru peete Hain’ is the favorite quote for every party freak. We all have that one friend who loves alcohol. Alcohol consumption is a big no for Indian Society but there are many people who love alcohol at every moment of life. Whether they are sad or happy they want only ‘Daru’. It is one of the most common words in India on every occasion. There are many disadvantages of consuming alcohol but you know what alcohol have many advantages also such as it reduce risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it can help you to cure low Libido (low sex desire), it help in preventing cough and cold, etc. If a person is suffering from kidney stone then sometimes doctors prescribes them beer to remove stone through urine. Top Alcohol Brands in India Wine and beer, both are good for health if taken occasionally. Red wine can actually burn fat, boost memory power and it is beneficial for heart. Beer can help you in gaining weight and strengthen ...